An Electrical Resistivity Survey on Tunnel Rock Mass. Statistical Validation of Rocks Classification

  • Andre Luiz Diniz Candido de Araajo
Keywords: geophysics; investigations, rock mass class; statistic


In the civil construction, the significance of underground information is known for developing a good project. However, the Construction of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants is considered to be different. Studies of construction sites are vital to the development of a good project. In addition, an effective geophysical study can deliver more detailed information about the work site. With the improvement of the basic data quality, it is possible to mitigate investment risks and develop projects that are more detailed. This paper aims to present the validation of a methodology for forecasting the rock mass quality, and the construction of an adduction tunnel of Dores de Guanhaes Small Power Plant is the analysis object with the assistance of geophysics. The result will be a statistical comparison between the percentages of rock mass qualities that were estimated in the basic Project found in field measurement during the tunnel excavation and what was estimated through the interpretation of the results of the geological and geotechnical studies complemented with geophysics investigations
